So another Panzer Attack and in my humble opinion it may have been the best.
First off let me say one thing to the Allied army. Congrats you fought hard and never gave up a true testiment to your honor and desire to play. I saw some of the greatest things that really made me appreciate the "enemy". Some of the most impressive things I saw were done by the young guns. You kids are the future of our sport and the future looks very bright indeed. The little guys charged and pushed and never quit coming so here is a salute to you.
To team Thunderstruck I was impressed with their play they as a team were almost always the first into the fight and near the front lines of every major battle on the field. I do hope they return next year the allies need teams like this one.
The armor at this years event was phenominal I was really impressed with the amount of work these folks do. And when one tank broke down people from both sides left the field to work on it. All in all a true success for the sport of Paintball.
Saturday night entertainment was the greatest I have seen.(Ok i might be biased it was my idea.)American Idol style of Karoke was a blast. To watch players from both sides get up there and sing was too cool. Just wish I had my voice that night so I cold have participated as well. Overall winner was Sully my teamate who donated the gun he won to the kids because that is what we need to invest in. Sully that action was Hellhound approved.
Sunday the allied spy Axe Killer fooled us all and he did execute Zeke the german general. For which I presented him with a dead rat which Zeke and I killed in the radio base. Axe my friend that will never work again but good move man.
I spent most of the weekend when not playing walking around and talking with some of the players. Trying to recruit for DDAY for my unit and to make many new friends.
Connecting with my old friends some of who I havent seen in way to long.
Also this was my first game playing with my ego and I shot more paint than ever before but it was worth it. Next year promises to be even better!